
What Is Coolsculpting?

CoolSculpting® freezes fat cells for up to 25% of your treatment area. Unlike traditional diet and exercise, it’s quick, non-invasive, and you can see results in as little as one appointment. If you’re looking for the #1 CoolSculpting Provider in the San Francisco Bay Area, you’ve come to the right place!

How It Works

With CoolSculpting® Elite, we can pinpoint the exact trouble spots where you’d like to reduce fat and concentrate the reduction on just those areas. We always ensure that each customized treatment plan achieves body symmetry, even reduction, and complete coverage.

Many of us have stubborn fat despite diet and exercise.

Is CoolSculpting® Elite Safe?

CoolSculpting® Elite is FDA-cleared to target, freeze, and eliminate treated fat cells in 9 different areas using a fat-freezing technology known as cryolipolysis. This non-invasive process naturally eliminates up to 20-25% of treated fat cells over a 1-3 month period and is a safer option for eliminating stubborn fat than most other methods. Like any treatment, there are side effects. You can learn more in our FAQ section.

Preparing For Your Appointment

  • Get Prepped
  • Start Your Treatment
  • Get Chill
  • Schedule Follow-Ups

It is important to note that everybody is different and how your body metabolizes will determine when you’ll start seeing changes. Get Prepped and Chill!

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CoolSculpting® Elite is a non-invasive, permanent, fat reduction. This treatment is non-surgical/invasive and requires no downtime. CoolSculpting is FDA-cleared to treat nine areas of the body. The nine areas are the chin, arms, abdomen, flanks, bra fat, inner thigh, outer thighs, distal thigh, and banana roll or the area underneath the butt. CoolSculpting specifically targets subcutaneous fat, which is the pinchable fat beneath the skin. This fat is considered to be very stubborn, unaffected by all the diet and exercise in the world.